Monday, May 31, 2010

Classes Have Started!

Classes have successfully started at the shop!

Thanks to Caroline, Adam, Bear, Heather, Misha, and Loryn!

Intro to the Sewing Machine is going great and there are open spots weekly!

Survival Sewing is available as well!

There are always more classes offered weekly! If you are interested in another class, have an idea for a class or workshop, want to register for a class, or just need more info: please email Jessi at

Keep on sewing! <3

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Classes Forming Now!!!

I'd like to start classes next week. They will be small, 1-3 people to start with (a 4th person can be added if they bring their own sewing machine!) Classes are $30 for 2 hours. Check out the Google calendar!

Mondays: 10am-12pm Deus ex Machina (intro to the sewing machine)

2pm-4pm Survival Sewing (intro to hand sewing)

Fridays: 5pm-7pm Survival Sewing

7pm-9pm Deus ex Machina

Please email: or call Jessi at 453-6925
More Classes will be added soon.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stitch and Bitch (Craft Night!)

Woo! So every Tuesday night (more or less) the Chop Shop will be hosting a Stitch and Bitch craft night.

There are 3 sewing machines available (you need to know how to use one though, this is not a free lesson. sorry!) and plenty of work space.

People are invited to bring food, drink, and anything with which to craft upon.

We've had 14 people one night, and 2 another night, so it always varies. Come early to get a good spot! 7-9:30pm!

Chop Shop